About EC Quinn

Children and Adult Author. Avid Reader. Lifelong Animal Lover

My Story

From the time I was 8 years old, all I wanted to be was an author. My life goal was to write books…and to have a lot of pets. I’m happy to say, I have achieved both! Surrounded by a flurry of furry friends, ranging from cats and dogs to guinea pigs and mice, my imagination flourished. After enjoying a career as both a physical therapist and a copywriter, I finally pivoted to full-time writing. While my newest release is Premonition: The Gift, book one in a Middle-Grade adventure series, I am also finishing revisions on my first adult novel, a psychological thriller, as well. What can I say? I LOVE to write…many different stories for many different readers!

I’m so glad you are on this journey with me!

~EC Quinn

Liz and Kitty

“The idea is to write it so that people hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart.” — Maya Angelou

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