Author Spotlight

Adult’s author Gayle Brown is an award-winning author with her debut novel, A Deadly Game, released December 7th, 2023! Congratulations, Gayle! 

I first met Gayle when she was a member of The Book Incubator, a comprehensive writing program run by novelist Mary Adkins, where I  currently serve as the Writer Relations Director. Gayle signed with a literary agent on her last day in the program and, not shortly thereafter, signed her first publishing contract! 

Gayle is an amazing writer and, even more importantly, a wonderful person. She has returned to the Book Incubator as a mentor and to provide publication support.  

A Deadly Game is a suspense thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. A mother is pulled into an investigation of a missing college student when her son is named a person of interest. This gripping tale explores her unwavering determination and drive to uncover the truth when the line between guilt and innocence blurs. How far will a mother go to protect her child?

Sound intriguing? Pick up a copy today! And learn more about Gayle and her writing journey at her website:

Or find her on Amazon and Barnes and Noble by clicking the links below. 

Barnes and Noble

Leila Sales is an award-winning children’s author whose most recent novel, The Museum of Lost and Found, was released in August 2023! Congratulations, Leila!
I first met Leila when she was a guest speaker at a writing retreat I attended back in early October.  Leila gave a wonderful talk about not only her book but her favorite (and least favorite!) marketing strategies and how to really lean into your strengths as a writer. She talked about hosting book signing events that include special activities to tie into the theme of her book and which are super fun for her young readers–for example, with her most recent book, Leila hosted an event at a museum where she helped kids create a museum of their own. Not only did that generate interest in Leila’s novel, but it also helped kids stay engaged and learn something along the way. Win-win! Leila goes out of her way to connect with kids and their families, and I love that. She’s also an amazing writer, extremely personable, and truly a joy to get to know. 🙂 
The Museum of Lost and Found is described as “a warm, relatable middle-grade story about a friendship falling apart and the abandoned museum that becomes a shrine to lost connections—featuring black-and-white illustrations by Jacqueline Li.”
Sounds like a fun read, doesn’t it? Pick up a copy today! 
Barnes and Noble

Then visit Leila’s website to learn more about her books and writing journey:  Leila has a super cool website with a ton of free resources for kids, so check it out!

**The Museum of Lost and Found description is courtesy of Amazon
Lena Gibson is an award-winning author who writes in a variety of genres, including women’s fiction, apocalypse romance, and romantic dystopian fiction.
I first connected with Lena when I saw the cover of her women’s fiction novel, The Wish. It looked like such a fun read, and Lena and I ended up swapping novels to review for each other. I absolutely loved The Wish! (Spoiler alert: there’s an element of time travel which was fantastic. It was a pleasant surprise and seamlessly crafted into the story! 🙂 )  More recently, Lena has been promoting the first book in her Train Hoppers series, Switching Tracks: Out of the Trash, released February 1, 2024. I haven’t read this one yet, so if you read it first, let me know what you think! And then stay tuned, because Lena’s second book in the Train Hoppers series, The Long Haul: Pursuit of Hope, is being published June 6, 2024.  I love that Lena has crafted her Train Hopper books to be enjoyed as both stand-alone novels and as part of the larger, connected series. Congratulations, Lena!

Lena inspires me so much because she is able to write across multiple genres and share her stories with a wider, more diverse audience. She’s an amazing writer, very kind and personable, and truly a joy to get to know. 🙂 
Lena has such a wide variety of books available that there’s bound to be something for everyone! Check out her Amazon author page or order directly from Black Rose Writing or Barnes & Noble, and pick your next favorite book today! 

Black Rose Writing
Amazon Author page
Barnes and Noble

Then visit Lena’s website to learn more about her books and writing journey.  


Terrill Sullivan is an award-winning author-illustrator. His debut YA graphic novel, Endurance: The Frozen Keep, is book one in a historical fiction adventure series based on Ernest Shackleton’s epic Trans-Antarctic voyage from 1914-1917. (Book two recently became available for preorder with a release date of July 4th, 2024!)

I first connected with Terrill when he posted some of his illustrations from Endurance: The Frozen Keep. They were so good! Despite not being a history buff, I was intrigued. So I reached out to Terrill and, after cautioning him that I didn’t know much about this historic event, read his book and…LOVED it! No kidding. The storyline follows a fascinating sailing expedition, but what I connected with most were the characters and the beautiful illustrations. Terrill does an amazing job of weaving in multiple historically significant events in an exciting and engaging way, telling parallel, emotionally charged stories of saving whales amidst the beginning of the Industrial Age, fighting in the trenches in World War One, and navigating a treacherous sea expedition. With themes of romance, courage, and survival, it’s a powerful, intriguing, and very compelling read. Additionally, Terrill’s second book in the series: Endurance: The Beckoning Shore, provides the “end of the story” and releases on July 4th, 2024! I JUST started reading an early copy, and it is really good. Congratulations, Terrill!

Terrill is inspiring because not only does he bring historic events to life through engaging, intriguing storylines, but his immense talent as an illustrator wraps the story in such beautiful graphics that the reader is captivated and transported immediately. I love that he has expanded his creative talent into the graphic novel arena, combining his amazing illustrations with his compelling writing. He is also very kind, personable, and a joy to get to know. 🙂 

Go ahead and check out Terrill’s Endurance series! Book one is available to read immediately, and book two is available for preorder with a release date of July 4, 2024. Check out his Amazon author page or order directly from Black Rose Writing, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble, or your favorite Indie bookstore. Pick up your copy today!

Black Rose Writing
Barnes and Noble

Then visit Terrill’s website to learn more about his books, art, and writing journey.


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